is it too early to start talking about what to eat after the holidays?

If you're anything like me, about two or three meals into the frenzy of holiday food you'll be "over" holiday eating - even if the holidays aren't over. Maybe it's a bit premature to start thinking this way, but you and I both know it's coming.
Maybe you'll opt for Thai take-out... or a pizza run? Sushi... yep - that's often where my mind goes when I've had enough holiday helpings. There are plenty of choices, and here's another:
[click image for recipe]
Chicken Florentine Lasagna Rollups
This dish couldn't be an easier and offers a nice change of pace from traditional holiday fare. Or go ahead and make a batch for dinner this week. Give the pizza guy a night off. He's probably got a Christmas party to get ready for anyway, right?
What are your go-to dishes when you're "over" holiday food?