a personal plea to pinterest (and shrimp summer rolls from my pin-menu)

Pinterest... I love you so very much. I've added your button to my site. I've set up multiple boards with you. We've been together for months now. But you aren't perfect.
I recently read and re-tweeted an article that talked about the Top 10 Things Pinterest Should Do Right Now. I agree with a number of the items mentioned, but I also know as a website owner myself, it's not that easy to make every change people think you should make, all at once.
But the one change that I request, plead, implore and beg Pinterest to make and make soon - give us the ability to rearrange pins. And here's why:
If you use Pinterest in its rawest form simply to pin and re-pin, a sort of One and Done activity, it's not a big deal. But once you embrace the power of Pinterest to organize themes in your personal and professional life, you crave the ability to keep those pins organized. You can't do that with the current format, which I can only assume is arranged by the date/time stamp of when it was pinned.
I'm no programmer and have no clue what that update would entail. But I would love, love to see it happen. By nature of being a digital pinboard, this platform screams for that functionality, in my opinion. Face it... if you had a pinboard at home or in your office, wouldn't you re-arrange items occasionally?
If it happened, I would be able to re-arrange the pin that I originally made for the inspiration behind these Shrimp Summer Rolls:
I pinned them onto my Pin-Menu board last week, but ended up making them on a different day than I originally intended. Since I'd like to keep these menus as a record of what I'm cooking and definitely go back and revisit them as I plan future menus, being able to edit AND rearrange pins would be so helpful!
Now to the food.
Shrimp Summer Rolls were an adaptation of this recipe from Spa Bettie.
Here's what I did differently, in case you'd like to try them, too.
-Used cooked shrimp instead of tempeh
-Used regular sesame seeds (toasted)
-Added sriracha to the sauce and omitted the ginger
-Served the edamame on the side (because we like them so much I knew we'd want more!)
-Sprinkled with crushed red pepper (because we like extra spicy!)
They were SO easy. If you've been reluctant to make homemade summer rolls for fear of working with rice paper, don't be. It's no fuss and super fast. And most importantly, quite tasty.
So what about you???
Anything you'd like to see Pinterest do differently?
Are you a fan of summer rolls - do you make them at home?