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my royal shower strategy

I don't have time to watch the Royal Wedding.

Or at least I'm not going to make time.

I'm sorry... I'm just not that into princes and princesses. I want to be... it seems all my friends are (peer pressure works at 30+, too). But honestly, I'd be more likely to hang out in Hogsmead with Harry & Hermoine, than at Buckingham with Kate & William. However, I do truly wish them the best, as I wish every couple who walks down the aisle the best. 

That said, I'm thrilled that on the day so many people are tuning in to celebrate one of the most memorable weddings of recent memory, my Make Ahead Shower Strategy is appearing on If you, like me, love a good celebration, but are strapped for time, check out the tips I share.

And if you are watching your DVR'd ceremony and dreaming of prince and princesses, I wish you the very fondest of fairy tale dreams. I, on the other hand, will be wishing for a delivery of butterbeer and pumpkin pasties.

We all can dream, right?  

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