{football friday} take your pick

I'm taking {football friday} off in the test kitchen today as I travel to Philadelphia for the annual Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food & Nutrition Conference and Expo.
But I'm not leaving you stranded without plenty of great options for healthy tailgating this weekend. As Healthy Aperture prepares to celebrate it's 1 year birthday this month, I thought I should share with you a small sampling of the more than 6000 recipes from more than 600 bloggers we have on the site to date. [Click the image to link to just a few of our recipes tagged for tailgating]
And don't forget to visit all the recipes from the blogs below who have linked up their tailgating favorites.
Have a great weekend!
This is an open blog hop. If you're planning on blogging delicious eats for football season, I invite you to join in. Simply fill out the link to share your recipe - everyone's welcome, all football season long. And please be sure to visit the other recipes listed for more great tailgating ideas.
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