my 3 favorite places to be selfish

Thank you to all my friends & followers who weighed in online & off in response to my recent Non-Perfect-Mommy confessions. Sounds like there will be an equal number of kids who grow up without the scrapbook bordered memories. I'm glad to know my kids won't be alone and that we are all doing our part to keep the universe in balance :)
As a follow up to that post, I thought I'd pull back the curtain a little more on just where exactly I most prefer to indulge in self... you know, the places I escape to when I'm focused on me & not focusing on my family. Maybe a good mommy blogger wouldn't admit that these places exist. But let's all repeat: Regan is not a good mommy blogger, she's just mommy.
My favorite selfish spaces:
The kitchen
Every now and again, I may post here on the blog about a kids in the kitchen, feel good moment. The reality is that those moments are less frequent than one would hope. Why? Because I have two boys who operate during waking hours at 99.9% in terms of activity of motion & volume of sound. Simply put - it can be nervewracking standing at that stove above having them bumping into counters, narrowly missing simmering skillets and in general, causing mass chaos. So the day-in and day-out routine is one where I man the kitchen by myself and truthfully, relish the retreat.
The riverwalk
This is a newly discovered selfish-space, but quickly vying for top billing. I've lived in this neighborhood for 2 1/2 years and never appreciated what a little zen-like space for exercise it offered. Summers in the South are oppresive. I mean OPPRESIVE. But somehow, a mid-day run along the river is terribly manageable and helping me re-discover a love of running that I've left dormant for way too long.
The chair
Tucked away in the corner of our bedroom, this is my spot. As soon as little heads hit the pillows upstairs, my backend is hitting this seat downstairs. It's where I wind down work from the day and enjoy these...
...perhaps my most treasured selfish indulgences - a good book & a glass of wine.
And then I get ready to start it all over again tomorrow :)
Note: If you're hankering for a little less mommy conversation and a little more action on the food scene, I'm dangling these carrots Chipotle-Cheddar Biscuits for an upcoming post. 'Can't wait to share.