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Don't Guess about the Gobbler

I just attended a TweetChat on Twitter hosted in part by the folks with and the International Food Information Council. I was reminded of a few facts that should not be overlooked as you prep your bird for the upcoming Thanksgiving feast. Among those that were shared:

-It takes about 24 hours per 4 to 5 pounds to thaw a frozen turkey in the 'fridge.

-Fresh turkeys have shorter shelf lives, but are convenient because they don’t require thawing

-To measure the temp of your bird, insert thermometer 2 ½ inches in the deepest portion of the turkey breast or inner thigh near the breast, don't touch bone

-If your turkey is done before your stuffing, remove turkey from oven & finish cooking outside the turkey until it reaches 165 (This is SO important, regardless of whether the bird is stuffed or you cook outside. Measure, measure, measure your temps to be Food Safety Certain!)

-Within 2 hours of cooking, remove stuffing (if you choose to stuff) and carve extra turkey from bones. Put in shallow containers (I suggest zip top plastic bags) and put in fridge or freezer.

And lastly, after everything is said & done, carved & containered, here are some tips on storing the rest (and often best) of the bird. I highly encourage anyone who's hosting a family get together this holiday season to buy yourself an early present in the form of an instant read thermometer. None of your guests want a trip down the foodborne illness alley!


What are your favorite ways to use your leftover turkey?

Does anyone serve a "main dish" OTHER than turkey for Thanksgiving?


(Photo from Flickr. Copyright All rights reserved by Coopet Photography)

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