Looks can be deceiving

This is the Caramel-Toffee Cake I made yesterday. Looks good, huh? It was... for the most part. But was it "perfect"? Stay tuned.
Most of the time this blog is a place where I share creations from the kitchen, nutrition know-how and in the best cases, both. This post is no such thing.
This post is about 1) confessing that yes, as an RD, even I indulge in indulgent cooking... especially during the holidays and 2) pondering what went wrong with the icing.
Don't get me wrong... the taste is DELISH on this cake. But the icing turned out a bit grainy. I prepared it verbatim from the recipe that I saw in "Christmas with Southern Living 2008" (which can be found here on myrecipes.com).
So... if anyone out there wants to take a stab at where I could've gone wrong, let me know. I've submitted the question to @my_recipes over on Twitter... but have heard nothing to date. Maybe you cyber-chefs out there will have an idea.
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