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Welcome to The Professional Palate - my little taste of life as a working mom and registered dietitian. This blog is now "retired", but feel free to browse around if you'd like to see what I've been cooking up for the last few years.

For all of my new posts and recipes, please visit my new home on The Healthy Aperture Blog.

Thanks for stopping by!



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Charleston Overnight

One of the main benefits to living in the Augusta, GA area is its close proximity to the coast. Since moving here we've made quick trips to Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, Savannah and further south into the "first coast" of Florida.

This weekend we made a list minute decision to visit Charleston. I can't recall the last time I've been... Maybe 2003 or so? Long enough that I was excited to revisit.

It was, as I said, a very quick trip. But with some great shopping, beautiful sights & even more impressive eats, well worth the drive. My favorite sights, shops and tastes from the trip are shown below. We plan to go back very soon and would love any of your recommendations if you have favorite spots in Charleston.

Lunch at Cru Cafe - house smoked salmon over local cucumbers, fried green tomatoes & arugula


Dinner at Blossom - North Carolina rainbow trout, roasted tomato, haricot verts & pistachios

Bottle trees in the courtyard at the Doubletree in the Historic District


Shopping on King's Street (left - Willy Jay's, right - So Good Jewelry)


Courtyard gazing on Sunday morning 


...and lastly, the one spot we didn't get to enjoy (hello 2 1/2 months to get a reservation), but plan to on our next visit - Husk (being named Bon Appetit's Best New Restaurant in America is just one among the many accolades I've heard about this place.)



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