It all adds up

As a working mom to two boys (one who is nearly 4 and the other, just turning 5 months), I can hardly find time to exercise these days. And I'm not just talking find a good time, that's convenient, when it's not too hot, when there aren't a lot of people at the gym, when my favorite sports bra is clean... I'm talking, absolutely can't find a spare moment. Can I get an amen from my fellow moms?
That's why I'm really beginning to embrace this idea of "micro fitness." I was first introduced to it by the work that I'm doing with Cabot Creamery Cooperative on their Get Up and Move Initiative. They call it "random acts of fitness"... and that's exactly what it is. Random bursts of activity throughout the day that add up to a tangible amount of physical activity.
But the idea isn't just something they conjured up to help us time-starved, fitness seekers. It's based on the sound principal that every little bit you do can help. If you don't believe it, check out this article. In essence, it encourages us to accept that it is a challenge to get in a long "workout" and instead, embrace the small opportunities we do have to be fit. And really, isn't that what being "active" is all about... being active all day, everyday? Not just the 30 minutes that you swing by the gym?
Sure, it may not be the kind of training that gets you ready for the Iron man. But last time I checked, they don't stop the Iron man for me to make chocolate milk, burp a baby, check email or pick up dry cleaning... a day full of micro fitness does.
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