Sweet Gets Simple and Steamy

Have you seen these?
Better yet, have you tried them?
I did, tonight... and let me say. Luv it!
I'm the first to admit that there's nothing terribly difficult about baking a sweet potato and there's even less negative to say about a baked sweet potato. They are a nutritional and palate-pleasing powerhouse... fiber, vitamin A, potassium... and an earthy, sweet goodness that it's white cousin simply doesn't measure up to.
But sometimes, the day takes a turn where the oven doesn't get heated up in time for a baked sweet potato and usually for me, with two little ones to feed in addition to baths, storytime, and all the other fun jobs a working mom has... well, frankly, I need a little "help" from the convenience sector of the market.
That's exactly why I purchased Ore Ida's Steam 'n' Mash Sweet Potatoes. They take ~10 minutes in the bag, in the microwave... and that's about it. You pour in a bowl, add seasonings of your choice (I went with the classics... a lil butter, sugar and cinnamon... not too much though... I hate it when we kill the flavor of sweet potatoes with too much "stuff") and that's about it.
If your days are as unpredictable as mine, I encourage you to check out some of these new products that food makers are offering. Not all get the green light for a healthful diet. But take a minute to read your labels, check out the ingredient list and consider whether or not they just might make sneaking in some extra veggies to your diet a little easier option. Time savings + great taste + even better nutrition... it doesn't get much sweeter than that!
(Disclaimer: I have no affliation with Ore Ida, nor did I receive any compensation for this review)
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