this week's suck & sweet

If today's blog title throws you, let me briefly explain.
One of my favorite summer reads of the 20+ books I've managed to squeeze in this summer is Slammed by Colleen Hoover. An amazingly touching young adult love story, it's a heart-tugging story of loss, youth cut short by circumstance and new found love bound by tragedy. I adored this story and its follow up, Point of Retreat.
It's from this story that today's blog topic comes from. Here, I'll let Will (the swoon worthy male lead of the book explain)
So here we go. This week's Suck & Sweet
The song Tonight, Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae on Spotify
has taken this family by storm (and by family I mean me and the boys... the hubs thinks our devotion to danceable pop culture fan favorites is laughable.) But when a song leads to this, I say it's pretty sweet (especially with the hand gesture at the Zach Galifanakis reference):
Tonight from ReganJonesRD on Vimeo.
As I said above, this summer has been filled with a pretty full reading list. Topping off the list in the LYAO category is a book I read this week, Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec.
Seldom do a read a book where I giggle from start to finish, but this is one. But please note that my sense of humor has a great deal of wiggle room & comfort with off color language & subject matter. This book is NOT for the modest reader. But if a little mature mom humor fits the bill for you, you will love this one.
I mentioned a day or so ago that I was picking up a long lost affinity for running. And when I say long lost, I mean like treasure map, buried in the sand, pre-Facebook love. That's how long it's been. So I decided to start at a pace worthy of my near-40-year-old knees and go with the Couch 2 5K running app.
And I love it! It's great because you just launch it & while you're running & listening to your playlist (complete, of course, with Tonight, Tonight), it talks periodically telling you your pace, how far you've run, what interval you're on, etc. Technology nerds like me are living in the right decade, I tell ya.
This sign
It scares me. I guess I have some repressed fear leftover from grade school? I've already detailed my turmoil in car drop off line. And just as I was beginning to relax, I noticed this sign in pick up line.
I had an editor one time who said that you only got three exclamation points for life. Our new school feels tardiness is worth using one daily. I'm gathering that since this sign was in place when I got in line at the end of the day that this stays out front ALL DAY for any of us losers who can't seem to get their kid to school on time (which I fully expect to be me at some point. Look for a follow up Suck, I'm sure.)
This one pushes the Suck bounds for sure. Superbly sad headlines coming out of my hometown.
I knew Sam and his wife Connie when I was growing up. They were an active part of the youth group at the church I attended as an adolescent & teen and were two of the positive influences I was exposed to as a part of that youth group. While no one person or experience really defines us as an adult, I believe a positive environment comprised of folks like the Wrights makes a difference... or at least it made a difference in my life. My heart goes out to their entire family as they work through this tragedy.
Well, thanks for letting me share a little bit about my week. How was yours... what were your Sucks & Sweets?