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Chips and Dip - Done Right


...make a note of it. If you don’t know what it is, you will soon. It is to 2010+ what “fat” was to 1990+. In very simplified terms, it’s the salt content of food. 

And while I’m not a fan of jumping on the latest nutrition-scare-tactic bandwagon, I do agree that processed foods can be a significant source of sodium (salt) that, when contrasted with a diet low in nutrients like “magnesium and potassium”, can elevate blood pressure... something none of us need in our lives. 

Words like nutrient, magnesium and potassium may not mean a whole lot to most folks... and that’s fine. I’ve said before, I care more about making healthy food taste great, than teaching the science behind healthy eating. I figure most of us just want A) to know what to eat and B) how to make it taste great. 

But when I find a food choice (or two) that fit together to uniquely meet both my nutrition needs and my palate preferences, I feel the need to share: 

First up, Multi Grain Tortilla Chips by Laurel Hill.

These were an impulse buy at The Fresh Market to accompany the hummus that I will detail next. I normally gravitate toward pita chips, but saw these and thought “Why not?” 

What I found was s chip that’s very basic in it’s ingredients and surprisingly low (IMO) in sodium (at 80mg per serving). Eaten alone, they don’t really taste like a “salty” snack... but that’s the beauty. They’re meant to be savored with something else (like a dip or salsa), so the extra salt really isn’t necessary. They’re also gluten-free (not a requirement around my house, but good to know for those who are) and contain 3g of fiber per ounce... not too shabby, when you consider 25g/day is the minimum we should all be aiming for. Lastly, my 4 year old son who is a chip snob (and notorious picky eater) couldn’t get enough. That’s saying a lot. 

Next, up The Greek Gourmet Original Hummus. 

And here’s where I get completely frustrated. I also picked this up from The Fresh Market on the fly as I’m always in search of a pre-made hummus that doesn’t have that fake garlic aftertaste. 

Much to my surprise, this one fit the bill!! 

Much to my dismay, I can’t find any additional information on it via the www. Maybe I didn't search hard enough, but honestly, if the front page of a Google search doesn't yield anything for me, I punt. It's a good product. I will continue to buy it... but I really wish there was more online info to share.

So while I’d love to point you in the direction of the maker, I'm at a loss. If you have a Fresh Market in your area or a like-minded retailer, look for it. Pre-made hummus will never completely rival homemade, but this is the first version that has me wanting to pass around the hummus, rather than passing by the hummus.

Happy Snacking! 


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