{ricelove bloghop} overnight brown rice breakfast pudding

Some foods are so simple that their ease almost surpasses their great taste. Rice is one of those foods. With little more than some water and a bit of time, rice is delicious all by itself. Honestly, what other side dish can claim that?
The only travesty about the beloved grain, perhaps, is its gross exclusion from breakfast in the U.S., and perhaps the fact that too many of us gravitate toward the not-so-nutrient-rich white variety. I think that's a shame, both from a culinary and nutrition standpoint.
In my quest to find new, healthier whole-grains to explore for breakfast, I realized that brown rice is one of the best places to begin. I always have it on hand; I know how to prepare it perfectly; and I truly have a favorite dish that already fits my early morning sweet tooth: rice pudding.
I've been wanting to do a rice pudding on the blog for a while. So when I was afforded the opportunity to express my #ricelove via a bloghop, I thought... perfect timing!
If you also think it's the perfect time to explore more great rice dishes, be sure to check out all the recipes from the other #ricelove bloghoppers listed below who are hosting this month's bloghop. And if you'd like to join in on the fun, it's open to everyone. Simple use the linky tool listed at the bottom and share your recipe. It's that simple! Note that the bloghop ends at the end of the month.
- Baker Street (http://bakerstreet.tv/) Anuradha
- Bloc de Recetas (http://blocderecetas.blogspot.com) Salome
- Bon a Croquer (http://www.bonacroquer.com/) Valerie
- Cafe Terra Blog http://www.cafeterrablog.com/ Terra
- Chef Pandita (http://chefpandita.com) Yuri
- Elephant Eats (http://elephanteats.com/) Amy
- Food Wanderings (http://foodwanderings.blogspot.com/) Schulie
- Hobby and More (http://hobbyandmore.blogspot.com/) Richa
- Mike's Baking (http://www.mikesbaking.co.uk) Mike
- Mis Pensamientos (http://juniakk.blogspot.com) Junia
- Simply Reem (http://www.simplyreem.com/ (Reem)
- The Daily Palette (http://thedailypalette.com/) (Annapet)
- The Professional Palate (http://professionalpalate.squarespace.com) Regan
- The Queen's Notebook (http://www.queensnotebook.com/) Elizabeth
- The Spicy Rd (http://www.eastewart.com/blog/) EA
Overnight Brown Rice Breakfast Pudding
1 cup brown rice (I used Texmati organic brown rice)
1 (14 oz.) can coconut milk
4 - 5 tablespoons honey (to taste)
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Garnishes: walnuts and honey (optional)
Coat an 8- x 8-inch baking dish with cooking spray.
Cook rice according to package directions.
Once rice is cooked, combine with remaining ingredients and pour into dish. Refrigerate overnight.
In the morning, preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake, covered, for 45 minutes. Serve warm and top with walnuts and additional honey, if desired