no knead crusty bread + thoughts on reprinting recipes

So a couple of thoughts before we dive into the food today:
1. According to my good friend and the only SEO expert that I know personally, Holley Grainger, catchy titles on blog posts are a bad idea. Fun little headlines like "I heart this bread" are admittedly cheesy & slightly lame, but they're sorta my style. I have now been educated that they're a no-no in bloggy world and will have to reign in my excitement over puns in titles. Who's disappointed?
2. If you at all follow trends in social media or are anyone other than my husband who has managed to accumulate zero social accounts, you know that the hub-bub over Pinterest lately is reaching Y2K proportions. I'm a huge fan, was a fairly "early adopter"... but wow. The Pinterest convo is LOUD these days. Keeping that in mind, I'll start this blog post by saying what I'm sure every female internet user age 18 - 54 will say at least once today:
"So I saw this on Pinterest..."
Have you seen it too? It's no knead crusty bread and it's one of those - really? Could something that looks that good & sounds so easy be for real?
Yep. I prepped it. Cooked it. And tasted it. It's impressive!
I will confess that I found the inside to be a bit on the moist side (after a brief consultation with recipe developer cohort Gretchen @ Kumquat we decided likely a little too much liquid or not quite enough baking time). But my husband, who typically finds "crusty bread" a little too crusty/chewy, really liked it.
My plan is to toast up the leftovers into a panzanella and to make another version whole-grain. More on that in future posts, I hope.
I'd love to post the original recipe here. The last blog I wrote on eclairs got rejected for not enough information in the post by one of the food photo sharing sites I submitted it to. I don't share that with you readers to question their judgment. Being a site owner myself, I fully respect the decisions those editors make. It's their sites. Their call.
But I can only assume that means I needed to have included a recipe? Or maybe talk a little more about the process. But honestly, I followed both recipes to the letter and they worked. Not much else to say?
And no matter how much I love to get images accepted on those sites, since the recipe I used was copyrighted, no game. I don't infringe on copyrights (knowingly), and I don't repost other people's recipes unless I've altered them in some way, and even then I try to give credit. Do unto others and all that, you know?
I didn't change this recipe, so I'm not reposting here. But please, if you're interested in making it for yourself
So tell me... ever made no knead bread? A quick internet search reveals I'm behind the times and this was all the rage a year or so ago (Thank you Pinterest for making me so trendy!) Would love to know if you've tried it yourself.
And do tell me this... if you are a blogger, what's your policy on printing recipes that appear elsewhere on the web or in print? Have you given it much thought?