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Welcome to The Professional Palate - my little taste of life as a working mom and registered dietitian. This blog is now "retired", but feel free to browse around if you'd like to see what I've been cooking up for the last few years.

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summer cocktails - the english mojito

The facts are these:

I'm mostly a wine drinker. And I don't have a green thumb.

I don't regularly drink cocktails. And I have managed to kill two rosemary plants.

When I do drink a mixed drink, I like gin. And fresh mint is apparently immune to my brown thumb. 

Take all of that into consideration, and my new favorite cocktail makes sense - the English Mojito. 

Mojitos have to be one of my favorite ways to use fresh mint (a good Tabbouleh, not withstanding.) But I prefer gin to rum and recently found myself in posession of some very nice garden-fresh cucumbers. And so the drink above was born (its origin, I'm not sure. Google presented me with the idea).

If you're not a gin fan or haven't found yourself with a plentiful supply of cucumbers and mint, then check out these other Healthy Cocktail Recipes from Cooking Light for summer sipping inspiration.  

Curious.... what's your favorite summer cocktail?  

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