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They're like Cheese Straws, eh?

Okay... so I'm a Cheese Straw Champ... I make 'em EVERY Christmas (really, I start making them in the fall... I think they're a great addition to a good Southern tailgate during football season.) So when I saw this version posted on Dinner with Julie, I couldn't help but share. I'm regularly asked for my cheese straw recipe, which I shared here. But I think these might be a nice variation. I only use Cabot Cheddar for my straws (yeah, yeah... I work for them a good bit, but even when I didn't... I knew their Cheddar was THE BEST.) I sometimes like to sneak a little bit of their Habanero in... we like our Cheese Straws spicy down South... but I digress. 

I share Julie's version because one of the more difficult challenges of the traditional straw recipe is piping out the super firm dough. I love that hers is more free form... and frankly, looks a little less "dainty" (we always serve cheese straws at showers & teas... it's sort of a "ladies who lunch" kind of thing.) When I get in my new kitchen, these are definitely on the list.

So what about you? Cheese Straws... free form and fancified?

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