Food Safety... Here and There

It's been a while since I've had time to slow down and post. A recent bout of what I can only determine was food borne illness slowed me down tremendously and carved out a good bit of my time. So here I sit, reflecting.
I've thought a lot about the terms we use to describe what happened to me, and how often we, as clinicians and scientistis, refer to the condition as "food borne illness." Now, on the back end of the illness (pardon the terrible pun), I prefer the more common and seemingly accurate term of "food poisoning"... 'cause trust me... if you've never experienced, that's exactly what it feels like: poisoning.
The irony of this whole situation is that I'm pretty sure I got sick eating off of a salad &/or condiment bar from one of my very favorite (and notably high-end) "markets" in the upscale suburb I call home. I don't know if it was leafy greens, a piece of grilled salmon or perhaps guacamole... but I'm sure it was that trip that had me making multiple trips to the restroom. Ugh. I cringe to think of it.
Anyway, in reflecting on the whole experience, I'm reminded of how lucky we are in this country to have the opportunity to prepare food at home... often... in abundance. Too few people take advantage of this opportunity, but it is in your own kitchen that you can be most certain of how your food is being handled. Eating out is a delight, no doubt, and I will continue to do so. But sadly, many people don't even understand the basics about food safety that ensure a day-to-day meal from home is any safer than what you pick up on the run.
That's where my trusty little professional membership organization comes in: The American Dietetic Association. I found they've conjured up this nifty little educational website dedicated to educating on food safety and the like:
If you're new to food safety, I urge you to check it out. Teach yourself about good food hygiene for your health and those you're breaking bread with.
And if you're at my local market any time soon, skip the salad bar... it looks good, but trust me... it's not worth the price you pay.
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