{football friday} recipe round-up

If you've stuck around this season for my almost weekly round up of tablegating/tailgating recipes, thank you!! For this football fan it has been a season of painful-to-watch losses on the field and even more painful-to-watch developments in college football off the field.
The {football friday} bloghop, however, has been a bright spot in an otherwise dismal football season. Topping the list... having my Better Than Seven-Layer Dip featured on The Quad - The New York Times College Sports Blog
Other highlights:
Realizing that the love of boiled peanuts reaches beyond the tailgating outposts in the region of Toomer's Corner on Saturday's in the fall. The chatter among a group of RD colleagues located in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions when I posted this recipe shocked me! I'm thrilled others outside the SEC now know the joys of the humbled boiled peanut.
Discovering this practical AND fun way to enjoy wine at a tailgate (or even on the backporch listening to the game), minus the red Solo cup.
Lastly, connecting with old contacts, meeting new bloggers and just enjoying football season with friends who share my passion for football food fun. I hope if you haven't already, you will visit all the blogs in the bloghop linky below. After tomorrow the season is *almost* over for me (if you don't count the bowl game that Auburn will be narrowly slipping into at the end of the year), but there's still plenty of football to enjoy. So as I choose sides on the games that will shape the final picture of the 2011 football season, I'm glad I have plenty of good food to choose from as well.
War Eagle.
If you're planning on some delicious eats for football season, I invite you to join the {football friday} bloghop. Simply fill out the link to share your recipe - everyone's welcome, all season long. And please be sure to visit the other recipes listed for more great tailgating ideas!
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<a href=http://www.inlinkz.com/script.php?id=82172&nojump=1&key=ILsEAxbyhS1Ro>get the InLinkz code</a>
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