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« make ahead mom - let's not overlook lunch | Main | Regan’s Recipe Round Up - Week 3 »

make ahead mom - orange-beef and roasted red bell pepper wrap



I won’t bore anyone with the details, but this family is quite busy preparing itself for an extensive undertaking for spring break next week.


Enough said. 


We all go through the same at some point: before a big trip out of town, before a big party at our house or just simply at the end of a long week. My solution - make ahead. 


Tonight’s menu was composed of 100% make ahead and/or fresh from the freezer ingredients: 


Orange-Beef and Roasted Red Pepper Wraps 


Steam-in-the-bag edamame (truly one of my most favorite healthy food finds) 


I made the wraps from a combo of “get ahead ingredients”: 


Grilled flank steak (weekend)

Roasted onions (weekend)

Roasted red peppers (freezer) 

Sauce (combo of keep it on hand ingredients)

Tortillas (always on hand as well) 

Edamame (we buy these by the mega pack at our local club store) 


*The only thing I would add for next time... a little crushed red pepper in the sauce, or better yet, some Sriracha, would really set off the sweet citrus of the orange and hoisin. Definitely next time. 


All in all, though, couldn’t be easier and so much better than take out, honestly. 


What did you make ahead in advance for a night just like tonight? 

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