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Welcome to The Professional Palate - my little taste of life as a working mom and registered dietitian. This blog is now "retired", but feel free to browse around if you'd like to see what I've been cooking up for the last few years.

For all of my new posts and recipes, please visit my new home on The Healthy Aperture Blog.

Thanks for stopping by!



« Regan's Recipe Round-Up | Main | RDs: Are You Stringing Consumers Along? »

National Nutrition Month® - Time for Show, Not Tell

Have you heard? 

It's National Nutrition Month®

And what does that means...?

Well, it means the entire profession of Registered Dietitians is almost giddy over a month-long celebration of healthy eating. 

Unfortunately, it also means that most of the world is completely unaware of our little celebration. *Sigh* 

The reason for the latter? Simply put, many consumers don't view the RD as providing real-life, livable nutrition advice. Anyone ever heard of the "nutrition police?"

...and having listened to some of my peers' (and my own) nutrition advice over the years, I can somewhat relate. We get so caught up in the science, we forget to speak the language people want to hear:

Show Me The Food! 

I have gathered from talking to consumers over the years, working in the media and simply being a busy working mom myself that most people want to see solutions... not be told a bunch of scare tactics.

C'mon...honestly, do we not all know that being overweight is bad for your health? Who's surprised that unhealthy eating isn't the key to long life?


I challenge each and every one of my nutrition peers (as well as myself) to help consumers see (smell & taste) the excitement of healthy eating: 

~roasting vegetables to bring out their natural sugars

~exploring a new fruit each week - nature's first dessert

~toasting antioxidant-rich nuts for a pre-dinner snack

~savoring the award-winning choices of reduced fat cheeses

~discovering the ease & simplicity of oven-baked fish

...the possibilities are endless.

But it begins with sharing the excitement around cooking, tasting and experiencing healthy food... not focusing on "what not to eat." 

There is a lot of good news to be had this month in the nutrition world. 

Are you telling the right story? 


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