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Welcome to The Professional Palate - my little taste of life as a working mom and registered dietitian. This blog is now "retired", but feel free to browse around if you'd like to see what I've been cooking up for the last few years.

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RD Day - It's About You, Not Me

I posted last week that this month marks the American Dietetic Association's annual "National Nutrition Month". Intended as a way to heighten awareness about healthy eating, the month gets a lot of chatter among dietitians especially.

And while a month devoted to a health topic isn't all that unusual (anybody recall Red Dress events in February to celebrate American Heart Month?), a fellow RD and dear friend pointed out to me today that very seldom does your doctor tell you it's time to celebrate something like "National Family Physician Day".

But not so with RDs. Today was our day. If you don't believe me, breeze on over to Twitter and do a little searching using #RDChat. What you'll find is a flurry of conversation that happened around noon today, as RDs from all corners "chatted" on Twitter about the topic of nutrition and healthy eating. 

So why the difference? Why are we out there raising our hand, asking to be noticed?

Vanity? A "Me Too" mentality? A little too much time on our hands? 

Honestly, I hope it's more than that. And based on many of the comments I've seen over the day, I'd say for many RDs it is. 

Led by Janet Helm of NutritionUnplugged, a number of topics were discussed today as we logged in to chat with one another. Among the recurring themes: the importance of inspiring people to get in the kitchen and COOK, and the empowerment that comes from focusing on ADDING to your diet, rather than taking away... two concepts that I strongly agree with. 

But the one question that grabbed my attention most was the question Janet posed at the end: 

"We're wrapping up, thanks to all for joining . Let's end with 1 thing you plan to do to help other RDs, promote r profession."

Frankly, I was stumped. Not because I didn't know what to say, but because I didn't know how to say what I was feeling in 140 characters or less (a quality of mine that those who know me can totally appreciate). 

I spend a great deal of time both as a business owner myself and a steward of nutrition communications for my clients considering the nutrition messages being promoted through advertising, traditional public relations and social media. And what I've determined is that our profession KNOWS nutrition information, and we're good at telling it!

But we are not always as good at meeting people where they are...finding what motivates them, rather than scares them; considering what tastes good to them (not us); exploring what food customs are important in their lives and giving tasty (yet appropriate) substitutions. And sadly, sometimes we are so anxious to simply share the research, we forget that "science-language" really only works on scientists... "taste" is the universal language people want to hear when it comes to what they eat. 

My friend is right... doctors don't pat themselves on the back for the good work they're doing by announcing their own day. Maybe they should. Maybe they shouldn't.

But my hope is that for the vasty majority of my peers, we view today NOT as a time to simply celebrate what WE have accomplished, but rather as an opportunity to improve our profession to help YOU live a healthier, tastier life. So to answer Janet's question, that's how I want to help the profession. By doing the latter, rather than the former. The back-patting can be saved for another day. 

To read what other RDs had to say on this topic and about National Nutrition Month in general, check out what I'm calling the "1st Annual NNM Blog Carnival" over on Janet's blogAnd as always, let me know what you think.

After all, today is about you... not me. 

Artfully eating well,




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