welcome to the ?new? professional palate blog

Friends that have been with me here on the blog will recognize that this site has experienced an evolution of sorts. What started out as a somewhat reluctant part of lauching a business website, eventually turned into a passion that lead me to launch other sites and grow an entire business centered around online food and nutrition communications.
But for the most part, one thing has remained the same: The Professional Palate has pretty much stuck to food. And while I certainly intend to keep all things tasty at the heart of what I share here, the reality is that my life is wrapped up in more than just what I put on the table each day, and I want to record those thoughts on my blog as well.
You may notice the sight looks a little different as well. Call all of this a new focus, a re-launch or just a refining of the conversation... it's really just me speaking in my space about what's on my mind. Blogs started that way, right... a "web log" to record your thoughts on a subject?
And very honestly, most days those topics will probably still be centered around food. Lets face it - as my Welcome intro says, I'm a foodie at heart. Food is my business... it's where I spend most of my time. But don't be surprised if a conversation pops up every once in a while on the topics that fill the spaces in between the rest of my day - you know, the heavy hitting stuff like whether or not the trend toward curly hair is a good idea, what my new favorite apps are as a small business owner or even what's on fire in my Kindle app at the moment.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy the changes!