Nutrition at your fingertips

The amount of nutrition information available to the average consumer is mind boggling. Even more mind boggling is the amount of "bad" nutrition information disguised as helpful hints and credible science. Sometimes I'm so thankful that as a mom, wife, daughter and basic day-to-day air breather, I'm an RD who actually knows the truth about eating well. Otherwise, I'm not sure where my everyday eating would be.
But for those out there who aren't educated in the aforementioned matters and don't have a personal nutrition guru to gab with, the guess work is over. Nutrition Blogs Network recently launched and provides the only one-stop shopping for folks looking to read the real digs on what's good, bad and beyond in the food world.
The humble little blog (yours truly) sharing this info with you isn't included on the list... I can certainly raise my hand for inclusion if I'm so inclined. But regardless of my listing or not, I encourage you to check out the site and bookmark it as one of your main "go to" sites for good info. Likely the list will grow, but I can already attest to the high quality of many of the bloggers listed. Admittedly, this collection is way overdue, but a big thank you to those who had a hand in making it happen.
(image courtsey of
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