Life Lived in the Car Line

People prepare you for a lot of things about parenthood - the sleepless nights, difficulties potty training boys (boy is that the truth) and inevitable struggles to help your child transition to some level of independence in even the smallest of tasks.
But where was the memo on how insane the whole car pick up line process is?
As a working mom who prides herself on maintaining some level of professionalism, I'm familiar with the concept of arriving a bit early to an appointment and preparing for unforeseen delays. But I've spent the last 3 days of this new school year trying to figure out how to time this whole pick up process so that either I am not sitting in the car for 45 minutes waiting to weave through a line of traffic that rivals rush hour in Atlanta vs leaving my little guy sitting outside in the smothering GA sun wondering if his mom is gonna be the last car in line.
On the first day, I got to school 20 minutes early... And the line was already backed up this far
In case you can't tell, that's an entire parking lot, two lanes deep, weaving out to the road.
So then yesterday, I got there at this time (note that the kids don't walk out of the building until 3:30 and I was in no way the first one in line)
The little guy had to wait less time, yes. But seriously, how many moms can wait in car line for more than 45 minutes? I may be fortunate that I own my own business and can set my own schedule, but this is pushing the limit. (Although it is a great chance to feed my book fetish thanks to my Kindle app on the trusty ipad. But that's a post for another day.)
So what do you more experienced moms suggest? Surely there's a better way?
Do I get in line uber early every day & just consider this a "break" in my day? Or position myself as the last one driving in on two wheels knowing that at the end of the line you speed right through (while your 6 year old bakes in the Georgia heat?)
Come to think of it, if someone has the book on Car Line Pick Up Perfection, can you loan it to me via Kindle?