Mother’s Day with Ease

I mentioned a while back my husband’s new found affinity for his grill - his Big Green Egg (BGE) grill, to be exact. I’m not sure how widepread this cooking phenom is, but down in our neck of the woods, it’s become like the grit - omnipresent. It seems everyone we know is either the new owner of a BGE or wants one. And I’ll admit... it’s definitely changed, for the better, our experience of backyard burgers and associated eats.
But this weekend, my husband decided to put the BGE’s accompanying Big Green Egg Cookbook to the test - Grilled Chicken with Mango Salsa. I think a lot of families spend Mother’s Day weekend treating mom to a day out of the kitchen. Honestly, as long as I have someone to do the grocery shopping, gather the ingredients and read me the recipe (while watching my kids), I’d just as soon (and really rather) spend the day in my own kitchen.
Basically, the marinade for the chicken was a combination of coconut milk, cilantro, fresh jalapeno and a few other seasonings. The salsa - mango, tomatoes, red onion, chili powder and lime juice. There’s nothing shocking about the recipe or particularly difficult to execute. But on a day when all eyes are on what mom does for the family, it’s nice to remember that some of the easiest things we do can also be the most delicious.
Happy Mother’s Day.
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