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« pin-menus & a recipe for golden beet bisque with bleu cheese | Main | whole wheat chocolate donuts »

whole wheat blueberry powdered donuts

If you're still wondering after my last post whether getting a donut pan is a good idea, what does this tell ya? 



These donuts are delish. Simply delish. 

They aren't a substitute exactly for a deep-fried, glazed donut-shop confection. But since I can't typically bring myself to opt for that type of eatery anyway, I'm liking these just fine. 

I used whole wheat pastry flour, which is unbelievably tender in baked goods... much more so than my usual white whole wheat. These are almost too tender and definitely muffin-like. I honestly believe you could take most any flavored muffin batter, bake in these pans, sugar or glaze them, call them a donut and everyone would still love you. 

And if they don't, you'd still have a dozen reasons to love yourself. 



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