Top 5 Reasons I Would Not Be A Good Mommy Blogger

As I mentioned last week, I've allowed myself some room to share thoughts on the blog beyond just my little food world. For those of you who've stuck around and not unsubscribed (thank you), I thought I at least owed a little more explination about where the blog will NOT be going, as well. Parenting is a topic that's constantly on my mind... it's my most all consuming & important & terribly frustrating rewarding job. But a good mommy blogger, I am not. And here's why:
5. I don't scrapbook or do crafts
photo credit: Elizabeth Katchner
-Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool that some moms do. I envy their patience & attention to detail in recording special moments in their kids' lives. I can imagine a whole generation of kids in about 10 to 15 years that will have these amazing memories of their childhood written in bubble call-outs and framed in baseball and tiara borders. My kids will be looking for an old Mac or PC to place a USB drive into so they can view photos of their birth. That's about as good as it gets around here.
4. I'm terribly unorganized.
photo credit: Better Homes & Gardens
-I long for boxes & folders & binders of every important paper, record, chore chart & milestone reminder. But the reality is that I live in a constant state of "Where did I put that...?" I am recently remind that this part of my lack of Super Mom-ness is most frustrating when it comes to starting a new school year. I always know my kids have birth certificates... I just don't necessarily know where they are.
3. I prefer "adult food".
photo credit: Bourbon and Boots
I know, I know. As a good mommy RD I am supposed to carry the torch that you feed your kids what you eat and they will enjoy it. But the problem is that if I like mega-spicy Thai food, I'm not inclined to forgo it for my kids. I'm likely to hand out a couple of PB&Js and call it a night... Which come to think of it may be more closely related to reason #2.
2. I'm selfish.
How do I explain that one? It is what it is. I know lots of moms say they like their "me time"... but I crave mine. In fact, I take a lot of enjoyment being by myself. I grew up an only child and while I'm not sure I can blame it all on that fact, I sometimes wonder if that's not at least some of why I don't always gravitate toward copious amounts of together time. Even typing it here makes me know that more selfless moms than I will judge me a little for that confession. It's a hard thing to explain... how you love your kids beyond measure and want only the best in the world for them, but sometimes, you really need to be alone. Maybe it's just me?
1. I lose my temper with my kids... a lot.
Folks, there's no Letterman punchline here. It is what it is. Let me say I "try" not to yell speak loudly at my kids and the level of guilt I feel when I do is almost suffocating. I in no way think losing your temper at your kids is a good approach to parenting, but this post is about why I'm not perfect... so I'm being truthful.
We've been in big boy Kindergarten all of one week, and I've already failed two tests: I totally flubbed up car drop off line yesterday morning and I managed to miscommuncate about appointment times with my husband to the point that I never made it to Kindergarten orientation. Here's how the first part of the day played out (taken from an email to another mom right after what I'm calling "Drop Off Disaster #1")
I'm sure you can imagine the rest. I walk around all day worried that I'm creating a monster-child by not being the mom who sends her son to school confident that he's smart and well loved. I sent my kid into school being fussed at over a d@mn car door that wouldn't open.
I could tell tons of these stories, but they aren't exactly the type of feel good moments mommy blogs are made of. Oh wait, that's the point of this post, right?
Hope all you Super Moms are having a better start to school than me. If you need me, I'll be outside practicing car drop off :)