food photo tips from the pros - taylor takes a taste

Anyone that's been following my blog for a while has likely noticed that I have taken a greater interest in the photos I provide for my recipes and this blog in recent weeks. Having worked in food editorial for magazines for a number of years and managing similar projects for subsequent employers and clients, food photography is something I've traditionally viewed as an end result of work. It wasn't until I upgraded my own personal photography equipment and simultaneously began enjoying the food photography of many of my blogger peers that it dawned on me - why not put my own equipment to use?
I am SO far removed from being a photo pro. I consider myself a decent end user/editor... purely a result of years of on the job training. But to actually prop, style and shoot the food is a completely different process... and not one that just comes naturally by simply picking up a camera.
That said, I do enjoy shooting the food I am working with. I have a long, long way to go to improve this part of my work, but it's definitely an enjoyable art. The focus of my professional work and personal blog has always been to highlight how great tasting healthful food can be. My hope is that by devoting additional attention to the image side, visitors to this site will likewise see that healthy food looks delicious, too.
...and I'm not the only one. After a recent Twitter #RDChat, I was overwhelmed to learn how many of my RD peers are also interested in learning ways to improve their food photo skills. So... with all of that background and discussion behind us, let me introduce you to the first of many entires where I share little food photo gems from the folks out there who are not only doing it well, but also sharing some of their tips!
Food Photo Spotlight 1: TaylorTakesATaste (image below is his)
If you are interested in improving your food photo skills, or just want to learn a little more about how the pros do it, please visit his site. And let me know what you think!
Question: if you are a blogger, how do you shoot food for your site?
Artfully eating well,