a big announcement

No baby. No book. No impending move.
I'm launching a new site.
(Does this sound familiar? As I've said to more than one friend and colleague, I'm promising myself that we're closing in on the last of the sites that I'll launch. I'm going venture a bet that I own more URLs than any other RD in North America. I'm not saying that's necessarily something to boast about or even be terribly proud of, but it's a title I think I can claim... or at least hold runner-up status?)
And with that I introduce you to
Fit Framed is to the fitness blog world what Healthy Aperture is to the healthy food blogging world. It's a photo gallery site curating content submitted by users whose posts are focused on fitness.
And it's brand spanking new. Just launched today!
It's no secret I spend most of my day entrenched in online communications - both for my sites & for the businesses I consult with as ReganMillerJones, Inc. And it occurred to me during a long run one day (I believe it was actually while I was on vacation in the Dominican Republic) that fitness bloggers are way under served in terms of syndication options for their content. I'm not sure why or how I became so dedicated to giving bloggers who publish healthful content - now both food & fitness - a bigger share of the online voice. But clearly, with The Recipe ReDux, Healthy Aperture and Fit Framed, I have made it a priority. There's A LOT of great content out there and sometimes, it's not always found on the biggest, most heavily trafficked blogs. My goal is to provide a platform where all good content - no matter what the size - can be found.
I hope you will check it out and help spread the word. It's awfully slim on content right now... that happens with a new site, you know? I remember when Healthy Aperture launched, we only had about 12 images and now there thousands upon thousands of images! And most importantly, I hope you will check the site often to take a look at the best fitness content the web has to offer.