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Welcome to The Professional Palate - my little taste of life as a working mom and registered dietitian. This blog is now "retired", but feel free to browse around if you'd like to see what I've been cooking up for the last few years.

For all of my new posts and recipes, please visit my new home on The Healthy Aperture Blog.

Thanks for stopping by!



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Healthy Habits - One Day at A Time

I was so honored to be asked by my friends at The Southeast Dairy Association to be a guest blogger on Dairy Delivers today. Having worked with the dairy association over the years, I know many of the Registered Dietitians, nutrition educators and staff who work so hard to educate the public about the benefits of calcium-rich low-fat dairy foods. These are people I am proud to call friends. 

Most importantly, they are people I am proud to say represent farmers throughout the Southeast and nationwide who, like the farmers I support at Cabot Creamery, work tirelessly to bring nutritious food to our tables. So please stop by to see what nutrition tips and recipes I served up on their menu for today!




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