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Welcome to The Professional Palate - my little taste of life as a working mom and registered dietitian. This blog is now "retired", but feel free to browse around if you'd like to see what I've been cooking up for the last few years.

For all of my new posts and recipes, please visit my new home on The Healthy Aperture Blog.

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pin-menus & a recipe for golden beet bisque with bleu cheese

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As I said in my first post this year, I don't make a lot of New Year's resolutions. I mean, I make a ton of plans throughout the year of things I want to do, accomplish, etc., but they sorta come into being rather organically.

That's where my recent idea for a personal pin-menu came from - it's my personal menu planning board on Pinterest. I'm such a Pinterest addict and on there so often, it occurred to me that I needed to use the Power of the Pin to do something constructive for myself and my family, beyond just feeding my penchant for messy hair buns, scarf tying tutorials and beautiful food styling.

I'm going to *try* to update my pin-menu board weekly to keep track of what I have cooked, want to cook and would like to cook again. I have a general board of likes, wishes, etc., but this one I'm assigning days to, to hold myself accountable and to plan out my week better. I'm a slave to a visual workflow... so the idea of being able to see it laid out for me as the week starts just fits me.

Now, on to the recipe.

I pinned my Roasted Sweet Potato and Coconut Soup for today and knew that I wanted to substitute the golden beets and parsnips I had on hand for the sweet potato and carrot in the original recipe.

The result was even better than I had hoped! Golden beets - if you've never had the pleasure of their company - are a much more subtle, sweet beet than their red counterparts. I'm a beet fan all the way around, and love them in a salad topped with bleu cheese. So I thought "why not a soup, instead?"

If you are a beet & bleu cheese fan, you will love this soup (If you aren't, give the sweet potato soup a try. It's delish, too). This version needs a little extra attention to get it to a smooth consistency... but a good hand blender or sturdy blender/food processor does the trick.

What about you?

A beet fan? How about bleu cheese? 

How are you using Pinterest... anything constructive? Or are you like me.... just enjoying the clothes, homes, shoes and cake pops that you'll likely only know in pictures ;-)




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