A rare treat

This blog is first and foremost about food. Food... it's what we eat. It's what nourishes us.
My aim, though, as a dietitian is to strive to provide ideas for foods that nourish both taste and body. Both formal (and informal among friends and family) research shows that if it doesn't taste good, no matter how good it is for you, people won't eat it.
That said, I have been known on occasion to discuss a recipe or two that doesn't necessarily fit the bill of good for you food. I hope though that when I do, I'm bringing something else worthwhile to the table: either a new cooking technique, an opportunity for exploring a new flavor profile or in the case of today's post, a new way to use something you're already familiar with.
Today's post should inspire those of you, like myself, who regularly find yourself with a bounty of fresh herbs in the summer, but little opportunity to use them in a new way. Sage is a perfect example. It's easy to grow, fairly hearty and a delightful flavor. But let's face it... other than the occasional roast potato batch or Thanksgiving dressing, what really else do you think to do with it?
Here's what: Blackberry Sage Ice Cream, courtesy of The Food Channel . It's a "tad" on the rich side... so I recommend exercising caution if you try it. But try it you must... after all, it's is a rare treat to enjoy fresh herbs in such a sweet way.
(image via http://www.flickr.com/photos/dm-set/3283251760/)
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