If you're anything like me, about two or three meals into the frenzy of holiday food you'll be "over" holiday eating - even if the holidays aren't over. Maybe it's a bit premature to start thinking this way, but you and I both know it's coming.
Maybe you'll opt for Thai take-out... or a pizza run? Sushi... yep - that's often where my mind goes when I've had enough holiday helpings. There are plenty of choices, and here's another:
[click image for recipe]
Chicken Florentine Lasagna Rollups
This dish couldn't be an easier and offers a nice change of pace from traditional holiday fare. Or go ahead and make a batch for dinner this week. Give the pizza guy a night off. He's probably got a Christmas party to get ready for anyway, right?
What are your go-to dishes when you're "over" holiday food?