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Welcome to The Professional Palate - my little taste of life as a working mom and registered dietitian. This blog is now "retired", but feel free to browse around if you'd like to see what I've been cooking up for the last few years.

For all of my new posts and recipes, please visit my new home on The Healthy Aperture Blog.

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Entries by The Professional Palate - Regan Jones RD (215)


my 3 favorite places to be selfish

Thank you to all my friends & followers who weighed in online & off in response to my recent Non-Perfect-Mommy confessions. Sounds like there will be an equal number of kids who grow up without the scrapbook bordered memories. I'm glad to know my kids won't be alone and that we are all doing our part to keep the universe in balance :)

As a follow up to that post, I thought I'd pull back the curtain a little more on just where exactly I most prefer to indulge in self... you know, the places I escape to when I'm focused on me & not focusing on my family. Maybe a good mommy blogger wouldn't admit that these places exist. But let's all repeat: Regan is not a good mommy blogger, she's just mommy. 

My favorite selfish spaces:

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Top 5 Reasons I Would Not Be A Good Mommy Blogger

As I mentioned last week, I've allowed myself some room to share thoughts on the blog beyond just my little food world. For those of you who've stuck around and not unsubscribed (thank you), I thought I at least owed a little more explination about where the blog will NOT be going, as well. Parenting is a topic that's constantly on my mind... it's my most all consuming & important & terribly frustrating rewarding job. But a good mommy blogger, I am not. And here's why:

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what's the secret ingredient to great salsa?

The answer to the question may be a bit subjective, but let's give it whirl.

The obvious - if we're talking tomato salsa - is vine-ripe tomatoes. But I said "secret" ingredient, so let's not go for the obvious.

Some might say it's cilantro, and frankly that's not a bad guess. But you have this whole contingent of folks out there for whom cilantro is a real deal breaker. I personally am not one of those people. I love it... but I think given its "controversial" nature, it simply can't be the answer. 

And how about lime juice? Very close there, too. Lime juice really does brighten up most any dish you add it to. But I'm not sure it takes salsa from good to great. 

But these little guys

They do the trick. In case you don't know what they are,

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Baked Cherry French Toast

Forgive the picture



I don't normally post recipes to the blog that I've only had a chance to shoot with Instagram. I love Instagram, but the filters hardly do the food justice.

But today has been beyond dismal in terms of rain, and I never saw a good chance to shoot this. And since I plan to enjoy what remains of the dish as tomorrow's breakfast, I thought I should go ahead share.

A couple of notes: this recipe is based off of this recipe from Cooking Light. If you don't have fresh cherries on hand or are looking for a citrus twist, give it a try. I feel certain you could also try out a different preserve from the strawberry I used and maybe even some different fresh berries.

Are you on Instagram? If so, follow me. I'd love to connect with you there.

Baked Cherry French Toast

by Regan @ The Professional Palate

Ingredients (6 to 8 servings)

  • 1 (12-ounce) sourdough French bread loaf, cut into 12 slices
  • 1/2 cup strawberry preserves
  • 2 cups fresh cherries, pitted
  • 2 cups 1% low-fat milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon Turbinado sugar


Arrange 6 bread slices in a single layer in a 2-quart baking dish coated with cooking spray.

Combine preserves and fresh cherries. Spoon evenly over bread; top with remaining bread slices.

Combine milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla, stirring with a whisk. Pour over bread. Cover and refrigerate 8 hours or overnight.

Preheat oven to 350°.

Sprinkle casserole with Turbinado sugar. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes or until golden. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

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Life Lived in the Car Line

People prepare you for a lot of things about parenthood - the sleepless nights, difficulties potty training boys (boy is that the truth) and inevitable struggles to help your child transition to some level of independence in even the smallest of tasks.

But where was the memo on how insane the whole car pick up line process is?

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welcome to the ?new? professional palate blog

Friends that have been with me here on the blog will recognize that this site has experienced an evolution of sorts. What started out as a somewhat reluctant part of lauching a business website, eventually turned into a passion that lead me to launch other sites and grow an entire business centered around online food and nutrition communications. 

But for the most part, one thing has remained the same: The Professional Palate has pretty much stuck to food. And while I certainly intend to keep all things tasty at the heart of what I share here, the reality is that my life is wrapped up in more than just what I put on the table each day, and I want to record those thoughts on my blog as well. 

You may notice the sight looks a little different as well.

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back to school breakfast

Well, tomorrow is the day. 

This little guy

(who is quickly no longer seeming "little" to me at all) starts "big boy" Kindergarten. I call it that because we are one of those families who opted for Kindergarten twice. In the simplest of terms, last year was "little" Kindergarten. This year is big Kindergarten. My son has an August birthday and rather than make him the youngest in the class (as my husband was growing up), he will be the oldest in his class. I know this choice is not without controversy, but there it is. We wavered some in the past, but now knowing his personality and the challenges that being the youngest in the class offered last year, we're completely confident in our choice.

What we're not confident in is mommy's ability to get through this week without a total meltdown.

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{the recipe redux} no cook meals and a guest blog post


I'm happy this month to have my intern and the newest RD I know, Molly Jones (no relation :), doing a guest blog post for The ReDux.

Molly has been interning with me this summer, assisting with ReDux and various projects I have offline

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quick & easy no-knead flatbread

I mentioned in previous posts that I would be sprinkling pearls of wisdom I learned in recent trips to King Arthur Flour & Kansas courtesy of the Wheat Council  into future posts. Today's topic - whole grain flour's effect on gluten development and a brief discussion of white whole wheat vs traditional whole wheat flour. 


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fresh from the fields: my time on a wheat safari

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I thought I knew a lot about flour and baking prior to the start of June.

I thought wrong. 

As a registered dietitian with a personal affinity for baking, maybe I know more than the average person. But sitting this side of a trip to Norwich, VT to visit King Arthur Flour followed closely by a trip to Kansas for a “Wheat Safari” hosted by the Wheat Foods Council, I now know how much I had (and still have) to learn. 


I’ve spent a good bit of time on farms over the years, but they’ve mostly been dairy farms. Visiting farmland in middle America was a new experience for me. The whole process and feel around a wheat farm is different than a dairy farm (obviously). Whereas there is a daily ebb/flow in terms of “harvesting” milk on a dairy farm, farmers like Ken Wood (shown above) span multiple seasons planting, waiting, nurturing and reaping (with what I now know is a strong sense of urgency to ensure wheat is out of the field before mother nature intervenes with untimely storms.) 


For me there was something almost "other-worldly" about standing on the fringe of a wheat field... dry Kansas heat, warm winds blowing and the only sounds around the lone passer-by on a country road and the loud hum of a combine (or in this case, the faint cackle of a bunch of excited RD onlookers. I'd leave that part out if I wrote a screenplay *wink*). 

The dairy farmers I know have always taken pride in knowing their herds and can point out personality traits in  their cows. I quickly learned that crop farmers speak in that same sort of way - with thoughts about their land, the land around them and the seasons’ influence on their crops. It’s an intimate knowledge of nature and agriculture that those of us who work with a computer screen in our face all day don’t experience nearly enough.


A lot of what I learned on both of these trips involved the mechanics of successful baking. Those tips I intend to devote attention to in future posts. (See my recent tips for making quick and easy puff pastry thanks to King Arthur Flour) In the meantime, here are just a few interesting points to consider:  


-According to the Home Baking Association, 33% of Americans say they would bake if they knew how. 


Hello RDs & food bloggers! We NEED to change this. While market-ready baked goods are a fine convenience, being able to bake is a life skill. As many of us look for less processed foods in our diets, being able to “bake from scratch” is one of the most basic principles. Perhaps more importantly, baking with kids is one of the best ways to get them excited about time in the kitchen. My oldest memory of my grandmother is of time spent in her kitchen cooking plum cake...and it is truly one of my most treasured memories.  

-As I said in this post, when it comes to baking, the brand of flour matters. 


Personal preference for brands may come down to just that... personal preference. But if you aspire to be a good, consistent baker, you should know that national brand flours have fairly tight specifications for how much protein should be in their flour (protein being mostly gluten, which gives baked goods their structure) while private label (aka “store” brands) have much wider variances allowable for their specifications (ie. meaning what you get today in a bag may not be the same composition or perform the same way in next month’s bag).

Is this relevant? It is to me. Baking is part art, part science. For the science part, I want as few variables as possible. I spent two days at King Arthur Flour baking some amazing creations and won’t deny that theirs is now my preference. I don’t think you will ever be disappointed with their flours. But you must choose your favorite and stick with it, for the most consistent results.

-You don’t have to bake everything 100% whole grain.

While there is no denying the health benefits of increasing dietary consumption of whole grains, aiming for a 100% whole grain diet may not be necessary. I’ve mentioned this in the past, but very honestly felt this more from a taste standpoint than nutrition. I learned some very interesting information during my time at Kansas. Attendees had a couple of really insightful Q/A sessions with Julie Miller Jones, PhD (no relation, but funny coincidence about the name, huh?) while we were on the bus en route to various destinations. And what I learned is that if you take a comprehensive look at the data supporting the need for increased whole grain in the diet (which these researchers did), you find that a diet with about half refined grains (exclusive of high sugar, fat & sodium refined grains) is not associated with disease risk. From the study:

So what does that mean? It means that my kids like my muffins made with no more than about 50% whole wheat flour... and that’s OK. It tastes better to them, they will actually eat what I bake if I bake this way & it’s not a failure by this RD mom. I value being able to bake for my family on so many different levels and very honestly, rest easier knowing that I'm doing no harm with making the flour composition more to their liking. 

Simply put, it makes me want to bake. What about you?

If so, try these Easy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies shown below.

You can also visit for lots of baked goodie recipes. Or click through this healthy muffin recipe gallery from my friends at Cooking Light for early morning baking inspiration. 

Disclosure: My trip to Kansas was funded by the Wheat Foods Council. I was not compensated for my time or this blog post. Opinions expressed are my own. 


easy oatmeal raisin cookies

by Regan @ The Professional Palate


Ingredients (1 dozen cookies)

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 cup self-rising flour (I used King Arthur Flour)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats (I used Quaker)
  • 1/2 cup raisins


Heat oven to 350°F.

Beat coconut oil & sugar on medium speed of electric mixer until creamy. Add egg and vanilla; beat well. Add flour and cinnamon; mix well. Stir in oats and raisins; mix well.

Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.

Bake 10 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheets; remove to wire rack. Cool completely. Store tightly covered.

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