Three posts in one day... I know, probably not the best etiquette for a blogger. But it's been a blog heavy day around here, starting off with my Recipe ReDux posts from earlier (click here if you missed it.)
Then, as I was clicking through email, one of my readers (you know who you are and I THANK YOU!) notified me that my feed had been empty of content in her Reader for a while. Hmm... wasn't really sure why.
So as I began digging (and simultaneously monitoring Twitter... because that's how I roll), I found out (how had I missed this?) that Feedburner - where all of my "subscribe by email" users were housed - is going away. Okay, breathe deep, plenty of time to figure that out, right?
Um, that'd be a No.
As soon as I clicked into Feedburner I found this

Zero. Zilch. Nada. As in none exist. They are no longer.
Honestly, I have no idea where they went. Is Feedburner selling them on the black market? Feedburner's owned by Google... can't imagine times are tough around there? Maybe they're using the money to buy the iPhone 5?
I dunno... I just know I quickly did some magic (thanks to @chowandchatter & her friend @Kiran_ on Twitter who linked to this article) and ended up with a spreadsheet of my subscribers.
Whew. Crisis averted.
But then the question was, "What to use now?"
MailChimp to the rescue!
Here's the crazy part... MailChimp, while very user friendly, isn't "quite" as turnkey as Feedburner was, so I have NO idea how this first feed will show up in everyone's inbox. Fingers crossed.
But wait, didn't I say something about a milestone?
Yep... in the midst of all the other multitasking for the day, I noticed this on Pinterest:

I'm now up to 1000+ followers on Pinterest. Whoohoo! I've said before I believe Pinterest has to be one of THE most perfect inventions ever. I'm an addict. A friend of mine recently named me a "Visual Communications Expert." (Not sure I'm really qualified to accept that title yet, but...) Pinterest is clearly my kinda "thing."
So to celebrate I'm giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card (Hey... It's only 1000 followers... When I get to 2000, I'll up the ante).
Why an Amazon gift card for a Pinterest milestone? Because virtually everything I Pin can somehow be found on Amazon in some shape, form or fashion. Whether it's my favorite Kindle downloads, a funky clutch purse, a donut pan or even my favorite hairspray, Amazon's got it all. To enter the giveaway visit the Rafflecopter giveaway block below.
And lastly, please, please... if anything is wonky with your Reader or email feed, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm appreciative of every reader of this blog and don't want junk filling up your feed :)
Have a great weekend!
a Rafflecopter giveaway