
The Recipe Redux - FAQs

Q: Who can join The Recipe ReDux? What criteria do you use to determine membership acceptance? 

A: The Recipe ReDux was developed as a fun and social way to provide great tasting, healthful recipes based on whole foods and sound nutrition principals. As we strive to include as many members as possible, we do require that all members adhere to these standards. Membership application is based different factors, including a review of previous recipes and blog posting. To determine whether or not your blog and recipes contain “healthy” recipes, please refer to “Q: What do you consider ‘healthy’ listed below. 


Q: Do I have to be an RD to join?

A: No, but you should be passionate about creating healthy recipes that taste great. We consider recipes that focus on incorporating more whole foods, a better choice for overall health.  


Q: What do you consider “healthy”? 

A: The term “healthy” can be interpreted a number of different ways. While there are no “off limits” foods in an otherwise balanced diet, The Recipe ReDux aims to showcase dishes that incorporate at least one nutritional benefit: 


  • reduction in overall calories and/or sugar
  • increase in fiber
  • lowering of saturated fat and/or increase in mono- or poly-unsaturated fats
  • reduction in sodium/salt from processed foods
  • showcases at least one food group mentioned by the Dietary Guidelines as the basis of a healthy diet: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, seafood and beans


Q: What are the requirements for The Recipe ReDux?

A: Taste rules. This group was founded on the belief that every healthy dish deserves to be delicious, so please keep taste top of mind when testing your recipe. Beyond that, let your creativity and nutrition expertise reign. We don’t require a specific number of ingredients or a time limit, but please keep the home cook in mind while developing your “ReDux.” Recipes that are time consuming or use obscure, hard to find ingredients won’t have wide-spread audience appeal. Keep your readers coming back for more! 


Q: If I have some “unhealthy” recipes on my website, will my membership automatically be denied?

A: No. The Recipe ReDux is not about banning any one food or food group. It is about celebrating the foods and dishes we should eat more often. We do, however, expect that members’ blogs be mostly devoted to promoting those foods that support a healthy lifestyle, and are not used as a platform to promote fad diets, supplements or "quick fix" weight loss schemes. 


Q: What if I can’t participate one month?

A: One of the key benefits to participation in The Recipe ReDux is the powerful cross-promotion provided by the network of bloggers. As busy professionals, we know certain scheduling conflicts arise. As such, we have organized the group with the understanding that members may miss up to four (4) ReDuxs  per year. We do ask out of courtesy to your fellow members that you let the moderators know as soon as possible if you will be missing a post.

Q: Who establishes the theme every month?

A: The moderators have determined the first three monthly themes, but future topics will be driven by member interest. Once logged into the shared spreadsheet, you can add future topic suggestions in the appropriate column.  


Q: Do I have to post a photo with my recipe? 

A: No. But remember that we eat with our eyes first. We encourage members to show readers how enticing their new dish looks, so that they will be inspired to get in the kitchen and enjoy for themselves. 


Q: Do I have to post nutritional analysis with my recipe? 

A: No. We are not obsessed with numbers or nutrients, but are committed to celebrating great tasting, healthful food. We do ask, however, that you highlight for readers somewhere within your post why this recipe is healthier. 


Q: Is there a badge I can post on my website? 

A: Yes. Please grab the code from our sidebar. And thanks for spreading the word! 


Q: I’m not really ready to join, but I would like to follow what this group is doing. What’s the best way to follow along? 

A: We understand based on schedules and outstanding commitments, The Recipe ReDux may not be for everyone: but access to healthy recipes should be! So please feel free to add member blogs listed on our blog roll to your blog reader/catcher or follow the conversation on Twitter via #RecipeRedux.