black bean brownies - yea, they really work
Friday, June 17, 2011 at 9:36PM
The Professional Palate - Regan Jones RD in black bean brownies, fiber-rich desserts. Meal Makeover Moms, healthy desserts

So my friend Gretchen swears that black bean brownies were popular when we were in college in the 1990s. I don't remember them... Maybe I was too busy moving my bag cell phone around in my car or heading to the AU computer lab to check that hot new thing called "email." Whatever the case... I simply don't remember them. 

But I've been watching the growing bean-dessert movement in the blogosphere and decided today was the day to hop on the wagon. 

What a trip. These really work. I'll admit, I was surprised. I totally respect and admire fellow RDs Liz & Janice of The Meal Makeover Moms, but I had my doubts about these brownies

They did not disappoint. And to top it all off, my oldest (pickiest) son loved them. 

Sure... they're still brownies... which means that black beans or not, they are sugar-rich and shouldn't be eaten with a license to enjoy a plate-full. But as a dessert & occassional treat, the use of fiber- and protein-rich beans, rather than flour makes them more nutritous with every bite. 

Please visit Janice & Liz's blog for the complete recipe


Have you ever made any bean-based desserts?

Do you remember your first email account?

Do you remember bag cell phones?

Do you think I'm an old lady by admitting that I do? ;-)

Article originally appeared on The Professional Palate (
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