Still around... actually, around a lot
Monday, March 22, 2010 at 9:14AM
The Professional Palate - Regan Jones RD

Let's call this a placeholder... a little posting in space & time to say that yes, this blog is active, but no... I'm not active in it at the moment.

I'm about 2 1/2 months post-new-baby and he's a delight! That alone is enough to keep a new mom away from her professional musings. But add to that a relocation half-way across the country that came my way just as my new addition arrived and you've got the makings of a blog that sounds like this .... *chirp*.......*chirp*.... [insert my lame attempt at deafening silence.]

I say all of that to say, I WILL be back... in due time. First, getting settled into a new location. Then, back on the keyboard to share the latest thoughts on what's new in nutrition and food. Stay tuned... RMJ

Article originally appeared on The Professional Palate (
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